Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What, No Laser Eye Powers?

Update on Real Life #1: I've just had Lasik surgery done to my left eye. I was hoping that a malfunction in the equipment might leave me with special visual superpowers, but no such luck. Tsk!

I've been nearsighted, particularly in my left eye, since my early teenage years. I never had the money to deal with it until now; to be fair, it wasn't that big a problem. I wasn't blind without my glasses, and I'd much rather be nearsighted than farsighted: needing glasses to read would be a pain.

(Unfortunately, reading glasses are probably in my future. One reason that the doctor didn't want to Lasik my right eye is that almost everyone becomes farsighted in their 40s, and my nearsightedness would defer that for a few years. Which is kind of cool, when you think about it.)

The surgery was uncomfortable, in the sense that you had to stay perfectly still and unblinking; but it was totally painless, for which I am grateful. Now I just have to keep up with the eyedrops, and get used to the fact that I'm not wearing glasses anymore.

(More of an adjustment than I expected- I feel like my face is naked.)

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