Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We Are The World (Or Its GDP)

Another weird map, which unfortunately is too large and lengthwise to be shown here. (But click and see!)

So, basically, the names of the states have been replaced by the names of countries with a roughly-similar Gross Domestic Product. Which gives us the bizarre view of an America made up of an entirely-different kind of states.

It's fun to look at, but it doesn't really tell us much as a map, for a couple of reasons. The most prominent states (aside from the one you live in, I guess) are going to be the geographically-largest ones; and California and Texas excepted, size doesn't equate to economic strength. Notice how the tiny northeastern states are crowded with developed-world nations, but the large-scale west has nations like Bulgaria.

Secondly, but closely-related: geographic size doesn't tell us anything about population, and population is much more of an economic indicator than landmass.

But, still. It's fun and interesting to gawk at; if only because the replacements give me geeky parallel-earth imaginings.

(Are there any other kind?)

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