Friday, November 9, 2007

Being Garrulous About "Garrulous"

This may not really make sense, but: garrulous sounds like it should mean something else. defines it as "excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, esp. about trivial matters." All right. But it doesn't sound like that!

I have a sort of intuition (based on lots of reading, I guess) that I use to evaluate words. It normally works pretty well: I can guess what a word means even if I've never seen it before.

But "garrulous" trips me up. It sounds like it should mean "argumentative," or some such synonym of "hostile." Why? Probably I'm associating it with "garrison," a military outpost, and "queruluous", which means complaining.

But beyond that: the sound of the word itself suggests it. Gar-yuh-lus: the syllables lurch from one to the next ungracefully, and generally sound kind of miserable.

Compare "chatty" or "gabby": they're both short words that suggest idle, casual talk. "Longwinded," with its long "o," suggests a politician who goes on and on in a pompous way. "Babbling" sounds like a repetition of nonsense sounds, which is why it's commonly applied to babies and brooks.

But "garrulous"? Where did that come from?


gt281 said...

Hey Fenris,
‘Garrulous’ an interesting word, never seen it before.
I’d look it up in the dictionary, but when I was younger
I had a large library type fall on my foot and break my big toe, so now they spook me.. guess that’s why I like spell check so much, course it can’t spell any better than I can..
….hmm garrulous… sounds like a name I could use in one of my stories,,, hmmm.. lets see….
….Garrulous fought with a sword in each hand before the roaring crowd in the maximus maximus, against the hungry lions and the leopard men…what do you think?,, yeah me too,, pile of doggie poo…needs work…you know what I really think it is…it’s an old latin term, meaning to gargle in the outhouse…are you sure you spelled it right?...
…..have a great day….

Fenris said...


Actually, I like "Garrulous" as a gladiator name. It sounds much righter than the actual meaning.

Hey, the new Sigmarr story's up!